@article{pecunia_roadmap_2023, title = {Roadmap on Energy Harvesting Materials}, issn = {2515-7639}, url = {https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2515-7639/acc550}, doi = {10.1088/2515-7639/acc550}, abstract = {Abstract Ambient energy harvesting has great potential to contribute to sustainable development and address growing environmental challenges. Converting waste energy from energy-intensive processes and systems (e.g., combustion engines and furnaces) is crucial to reducing their environmental impact and achieving net-zero emissions. Compact energy harvesters will also be key to powering the exponentially growing smart devices ecosystem that is part of the Internet of Things, thus enabling futuristic applications that can improve our quality of life (e.g., smart homes, smart cities, smart manufacturing, and smart healthcare). To achieve these goals, innovative materials are needed to efficiently convert ambient energy into electricity through various physical mechanisms, such as the photovoltaic effect, thermoelectricity, piezoelectricity, triboelectricity, and electromagnetic power transfer. By bringing together the perspectives of experts in various types of energy harvesting materials, this Roadmap provides extensive insights into recent advances and present challenges in the field. Additionally, the Roadmap analyzes the key performance metrics of these technologies in relation to their ultimate energy conversion limits. Building on these insights, the Roadmap outlines promising directions for future research to fully harness the potential of energy harvesting materials for green energy anytime, anywhere.\&\#{xD};}, journaltitle = {Journal of Physics: Materials}, shortjournal = {J. Phys. Mater.}, author = {Pecunia, Vincenzo and Silva, S Ravi P and Phillips, Jamie Dean and Artegiani, Elisa and Romeo, Alessandro and Shim, Hongjae and Park, Jongsung and Kim, Jin-Hyeok and Yun, Jae Sung and Welch, Gregory Charles}, urldate = {2023-03-28}, date = {2023-03-17}, }