GreEnergy first summer school

Ancona, Italy
31 May – 1 June 2022

The first GreEnergy PhD School has been organised alongside the 4th consortium meeting of the GreEnergy project in Ancona, Italy. The PhD students, who participated to the summer school entitled "Cutting-edge electronics for eco-friendly energy", had the chance to interact with outstanding speakers from the GreEnergy project and from its partner projects, i.e. FOXES and WiPLASH. Recording and presentation slides of the keynote lectures, as well as presentation on career development, are available on this page.

Tuesday, 31 May 2022

GreEnergy – its concepts and scientific/engineering challenges
Dr. Avi Ginzburg, AMO
Modelling approaches for energy harvesting and storage
Keynote 1: Efficient antennas and rectifying ballistic diodes for harvesting of solar energy
Prof. Michele Midrio, UNIUD
Keynote 2: Ballistic transport in 2D carbon nanostructures
Dr. Davide Mencarelli, UNIVPM
Graphene for energy harvesting applications
Dr. Zhenxing Wang, AMO
On-chip electrochemical capacitors for self-powered IoT sensor nodes
Prof. Per Lundgren, Chalmers

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Multiphysics simulation of nanodevices
Prof. Luca Pierantoni, UNIVPM
Energy autonomous environmental sensors
Dr. Anton Köck, FOXES Project
Career development and funding opportunities for young scholars
Prospects in academia: EU funding instruments, mobility schemes...
Dr. Clara Roujeau, SCIPROM
Roundtable with the GreEnergy PIs

Additional contribution

Graphene Wireless Interconnects for Next-Generation Computing Systems
Dr. Sergi Abadal, WiPLASH Project